About The Farm

We created our JMC Family Farm Blog and YouTube Channel to help teach people about farm life, gardening and cooking from scratch.  We share recipes, things we have learned while building our farm and a little bit of inspiration along the way.  

If you would have asked us 15 years ago if we would have a farm in the future the answer would have been ‘NO’!  As a child I was fortunate enough to have had a horse but I never had other farm animals.  Once horses are introduced to your life they have a way of never being able to leave. 

About 6 years ago our son and I started riding together.  We ended up buying a horse (Mocha) that my son had been riding.  The farm then sold and we needed a place for our horse.  We put up fences on our property and brought Mocha home.  Well, you can’t just have one horse so of course we bought another one. Meet Peanut!   

Our horses (Mocha on the right and Peanut on the left)

About 2 years ago we were contacted because a rabbit needed a home.  We said sure!  Well, that rabbit got lonesome and started to roam.  Thankfully, our wonderful neighbours found him on their farm.  We were able to bring Peter back home and we got Peter a friend.  The two really hit it off well and we ended up growing our rabbit family.  

Baby bunnies
Our baby bunnies.

When 2020 hit, our normal recreational activities changed and we had more time on our hands.  We figured why not get chickens!  Who knew chickens had so much personality?  They are so fun, social and entertaining.  

Our Girls! Photo credit – Katie Sobil Photography

We have learned so much from our own experiences. We wanted to have a way to share the things we have learned building our farm.

I hope you enjoy our farm animals as much as we do!