Garlic Bulbs

Why Are My Garlic Bulbs So Small?

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What is the SECRET to growing bigger garlic bulbs?

If you are growing hardneck garlic, how disappointing is it to harvest your garlic to only find tiny bulbs!  So, how do you grow bigger garlic bulbs?

Guelph University, right here in Ontario, Canada has been referenced frequently about research the University has completed on garlic.  Click on this link to refer to the article for further information.

Basically, the research found that the timing of the removal of the garlic scape impacted the yield and size of the garlic bulb.  Removing the scape allows all of the energy to go into the garlic bulb itself.  That is the secret of how to grow bigger garlic bulbs.

What is a garlic scape?

A garlic scape is a stem that grows directly from the bulb of the garlic.  People are often not aware that you can even eat the garlic scape.  The taste is milder compared to a clove of garlic.  

garlic scapes
These are garlic scapes after being harvested. Removing the garlic scapes produces bigger garlic bulbs.

Garlic scapes can be used to make pesto, broths, soup or you can even pickle scapes.  If you have too many scapes, just freeze them!  Blanching is not required.  Wash them, allow them to dry and place them in a freezer bag.  When you need them for cooking, you can just pop them out of your freezer.  

In recent years garlic scapes have become quite popular especially at farmers markets and speciality shops.  Keep your eyes open!  You will see them everywhere now.  

How do you know when to harvest garlic scapes? Watch this!

Garlic scapes are typically removed in June.  You want to be certain you remove the scapes before they bloom or flower.  

You will find lots of different opinions about when is the perfect time to harvest your scapes if you look online.  We harvest our scapes once they form a coil or loop.

What is the best way to remove garlic scapes?  

Another important part of the research completed by Guelph University was to remove or harvest the scapes by hand.  This way the leaves are not damaged which can reduce the overall yield of garlic.  

The easiest way to remove the scapes is to use a pair of sharp scissors or garden shears.  Cut the scapes as low as you are able.  That’s it!  

When will my garlic be ready to harvest?

Typically once the scapes are removed in June, the garlic is ready to harvest approximately 3-4 weeks later.  Here in Ontario garlic is typically ready in the middle of July.  

If you are wondering if this really makes a difference leave a couple of garlic scapes in place.  When you harvest your garlic you will be able to see the difference for yourself.  

Make sure you circle back to this article and comment below once you have harvested your garlic.  I would love to hear how much bigger your garlic bulbs are now that you know the SECRET to growing bigger garlic bulbs.  

Planting Garlic
Learn how to plant garlic right in your own backyard.

For more information about planting garlic make sure you click here to read my blog post on How To Plant Garlic For Beginners! You will find lots of helpful tips and tricks so you can enjoy fresh garlic that you have grown in your own backyard!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel at JMC Family Farm so you can keep up to date with what we are doing on the farm!

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